Nano Health & Medical News

Nano Health & Medical News

How to Deal With Negative Emotions

Life is unpredictable, and there are particular situations that may cause you to become upset quickly. The truth is you’re going to have to learn how to manage better and

Nano Health & Medical News

Alternate Methods for Managing Pain

Acute pain is the way that nature advises that there is something wrong and that attention needs to be paid. However, chronic pain is a signal that is practically useless

Nano Health & Medical News

What are Electronic Health Records?

Are you interested in learning more about electronic health records (EHRs)?  If you would like more info on EHRs, here is a quick overview, along with some of the key

Nano Health & Medical News

Living with HIV – home tests are saving lives every day

These days, it seems we are constantly being poked, prodded, pricked or in some other way tested as part of our routine healthcare procedures. We might complain about the inconvenience

Nano Health & Medical News

Eat Yourself Happy

Not everyone is aware that food has an enormous effect on our biochemistry and the way that we feel inside. You may be starving and reach out for that big

Nano Health & Medical News

4 Tips for Living Productively with Breast Cancer

Each year, over 250,000 women and nearly 2,500 men are diagnosed with breast cancer, according to data from the American Cancer Society and the National Cancer Institute. The five-year survival rate for

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20 Diseases and ailments you are prone to get from working in an office

Study after study has shown that spending too much of your day sedentary is not good for you. With a number of illnesses and diseases associated with prolonged sitting, the

Nano Health & Medical News

How To Control & Prevent Mold In Your Home

You have many responsibilities when it comes to taking care of your home. However, you’re most likely busy and let some things slide once in a while. One area you

Nano Health & Medical News

Biometrics and the Future: Why Biometric Identification Is Important

In recent years, more parties have been switching to biometric technology as a way of identification management. Combined with cloud technologies, biometric ID can help streamline the process of identification.

Nano Health & Medical News

4 Ways to Beat Insomnia without Sleeping Pills

If you suffer with sleep problems, but are trying to avoid sleeping pills, then you are not alone. In fact, even most medical experts advise against using sleeping pills unless