4 Ways to Beat Insomnia without Sleeping Pills

sleep problems

If you suffer with sleep problems, but are trying to avoid sleeping pills, then you are not alone. In fact, even most medical experts advise against using sleeping pills unless it is a last resort and nothing else has worked, since taking medication to help you sleep simply masks the problem, rather than dealing with it at its core. There are many reasons why you might be struggling from a poor sleeping pattern, including underlying health problems, mental health issues, or simple lifestyle choices such as drinking caffeine later in the day or using gadgets in bed. Here are some of the best ways to get a better night’s sleep without popping a pill.



Medical marijuana can be an excellent alternative to taking a sleeping pill in states where this is legal. Weed is like wine when it comes to helping you get to sleep, but if you’re not a fan of actually getting high, then you might want to consider CBD oil, which doesn’t contain THC, the active ingredient in the cannabis plant that contributes to the psychoactive effects. CBD oil on its own will not cause you to get high, but it is effective for helping you to relax and wind down. Vaping or orally taking CBD oil can also greatly aid with pain relief and management, making it easier for you to fall into a peaceful sleep.

Essential Oils

Another great natural remedy for insomnia and sleep problems is essential oils. For example, you might want to put a few drops of lavender essential oil on your pillow at night so that you can inhale the aroma and benefit from the relaxing properties that it provides. Adding a few drops of relaxing essential oils such as ylang-ylang, bergamot, citrus or chamomile oils to your bath before bed is a great way to wind down and encourage restful sleep.

Sleep Hygiene

One of the biggest reasons that many people today suffer with sleep problems is poor sleep hygiene. This doesn’t refer to how clean your bedroom is – although a clean, tidy and de-cluttered sleeping space is much more beneficial for healthy, restful sleep. Practicing good sleep hygiene involves only using your bed for its designated purpose – sleeping, or getting intimate with your partner. Avoid giving in to the temptation to do things in bed such as working or checking emails, as this will make it harder to switch off and over time, can make your sleep problems worse by training your brain to associate going to bed with working, rather than sleeping.


If you are suffering from problems with your sleeping pattern, then one of the main reasons for this could be that you are not getting enough exercise. Simply engaging in half an hour of light physical activity per day is a great way to improve your sleep quality at night. Yoga is a great way to improve your sleeping pattern since it can help to reduce anxiety and stress and promote relaxation through deep, yogic breathing.


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